
Juanitos: Soul Africa

Juanitos first showed up on our blog all the way back in June 2009. And now with more of great albums under its belt (including over 400 concerts and hundreds of thousands of downloads – if not more) I thought it might be a right time for a little re-introduction; especially that after our crazy winter I’m sure we are all in need of some ‘summer night party’ sounds.

Juanitos – “Best Of”

Juanitos is an exotic rock-n-roll band from France. The members include (if my translation from French is correct): Juan (vocals and organ), the Blob (surfing guitar), Dave (groovy bass), Chang (country guitar) and Jyle Malone (drums & bongos). On the "Best Of" you can hear a bit of reggae & soul with nu-Latin Brazilian beats, but the 50s "Beach Boys" feel of the album can be noticed in almost every track.