IWBTG (I Wanna Be The Guy)

I Wanna Be The Guy or better known as IWBTG is not exactly a simple love story. Well, it is about a dude going on an adventure in order to become THE guy. It doesn't stop there, I'll tell you off the bat that it is extremely difficult. However, if you are a glutton for punishment and love being pushed around into complicated, near impossible feats; you'll probably hold this game close to your heart. Another thing to note is that if you are a hardcore NES or SNES fan, you'll be grinning from ear to ear when playing this game. IWBTG combines modded levels of your favorite NES games like Megaman, Battletoads and even Contra; creating a one-of-a-kind, hair-pulling experience. Definitely a hardcore game worth checking out whether you loved Nintendo or not.