free music

Pope: Fiction

With the indie scene machine constantly giving birth to a new band on such a fast pace, a gridlock can happen. We see the new bands claiming to produce somethin... Read More

Sarah McGowan: Indian Summer

Summers in India are known to be very hot and humid, as the scorching sun makes your clothes cling to your sticky sweet skin. Good thing there is music like Sarah McGowan’s that feel like running an ice cube all over your skin. Her soothing music is a welcome relief when it becomes a little too hot to your liking.

ikea-graveyard: stray

Many artists begin their musical journey right in the comfort of their own bedroom. While some never leave their comfort zone to take their music to the next level, only the brave ones have the guts to break through the walls. ikea-graveyard is among the few brave ones.

gates: The Sun Will Rise and Lead Me Home

Hailing from New Brunswick, New Jersey is the excellent ambient/indie rock band, gates. The band is able to present a sound that makes you forget that you have to take notice of the details. This leads to a listening experience that is seamless and captivating.