free creative commons album

netBloc Vol. 34: The Whitewash

After a short hiatus, blocSonic is now back on track in releasing their latest addition to their Netbloc compilations, Netbloc 34: The Whitewash. As expected, the 14-track record is a goldmine of new sound. Featuring relatively new and unknown artists from all over the world playing different genres, the album is quite an enjoyable record worth raving about. We've featured several of these compilations from the label right here on Frostclick. You can check them here and here. All of them are available as a free download and serves as a great way to discover new bands or new music in the CC licensed music world.

Finding Fiction: Try This At Home

Finding Fiction is one of those bands that just sprung out of nowhere to fascinate, impress and titillate listeners everywhere. Their brand of indie pop is energetic and fun, with tons of quirky instrument use in between. With the help of Craigslist, the band first got together back in 2008. Things went by really quickly and within one year they already started touring and managed to release their debut compilation. Now a couple of years old, the guys are gaining better foothold than ever; dropping their latest EP, Try This At Home just last August 2011.

Hunt Club: Hunt Clubm LP

Hunt Club definitely knows how to put together an energy-filled rocking compilation. These boys have been around the block since 2005. So far they've released 5 compilations, each one bearing their resident indie post punk rock sound. Even though it's already 3 years old, this Hunt Club LP still sounds fresh and filled with a raw energy that echo right off the stereo as you play it. Reflecting this postpunk vibe, growling vocals and loud instrument work; Hunt Club is worth hearing in action.

Greg Gibbs: The Lights

If you're looking for a relaxing electro indie pop album, you might enjoy The Lights by Greg Gibbs. Compiling 20 great tracks in one record, the singer/songwriter is definitely on a roll with his third release. The singer is currently based in Chicago. He has released two previous albums, 2007's Raincoat and 2009's Hemoglobin, which you can both get for sale at iTunes. This third compilation, The Lights, is filled with beautiful electro pop tracks that would make a lovely background to a quiet, relaxing afternoon. Check out the download by hitting the link towards the left.

These Animals: These Animals EP

New York has always been home to some of the most interesting musicians and These Animals is one four-piece crew that you can easily add to this roster. The boys have just released their self-titled EP showcasing their brand of hipster style pop dance rock, and together with their previous album, Souvenir Sessions, made all of this musical goodness available as a free download through FrostWire. These Animals met in art school and decided to get together to form the band in 2010. Creating 60s style dance pop music, they showcase their various influences through their energetic sound and performances.

Eskaei: Bits Is All There Is

Eskaei is actually the one-man crew of Stefanos Kourtis. This talented artist has been making his own mix of eclectic electronic hip hop; skilfully creating a lush soundscape filled and inspired by hip hop music. Stefanos is also the brainchild for netlabel, Memory Format. He started it around 2006. He has also released several songs as well as compilations using different monikers in various netlabels. As Eskaei, he focuses more on his love for "electronically generated sounds;" creating a wonderful hodgepodge of elements that are both pleasant, complex yet easy to relax to.

Ray Sytes: Tote My Flag

Gracing the pages of our blog the second time around, hip hop and dancehall artist, Ray Sytes, is back with an exciting new mix. Tote My Flag has everything any hip hop lover will enjoy like mad beats, catchy hooks, great vibes and awesome mic skills courtesy of Sytes and company. Ray Sytes is a Guyanese born rapper/musician that is proud to showcase his heritage as well as his love for Brooklyn and Queens. With a colorful repertoire and collaborations with some of the best producers and rappers, including a song with multi-platinum artist, T-Pain, in his previous record; Sytes is definitely bent on making more than a ripple on this big sea of hip hop.

Aw-1: Demo Days (Jours de D�mo)

Demo Days is an indie pop alternative album that you might want to check out. There's hardly anything about these guys online but if you let the music speak for itself; they're definitely worth your time. Creating an indie pop sound, Aw-1 collects 12 tracks in their record that range from upbeat, danceable tempos to indie love songs that you can sing to your partner as you enjoy a quiet moment together. This diversity makes the album nice and perfect for all types of mood you might find yourself in. Grab the download by hitting the link to the left.

Tracing Arcs: Eye See You Too (Remixes & Forbidden Fruit)

Tracing Arcs is the brainchild of British duo Fran Kapelle (vocal/lyrics) and Paul H. Addie (synths/programming). Their previous record, Fin, met with plenty of positive responses and was also featured right here on our blog. Eye See You Too (Remixes & Forbidden Fruit) is a followup to their 2010 release, Eye See You Too, from German netlabel, iD.OLOGY. This second album features "remixes of songs from some of the finest artists in the netlabel scene, as well as Tracing Arcs themselves." Their music is a mix of electronica, trip-hop, jazz and a deep drum and bass sound that exudes plenty of cool and moody beats.