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Old Photo PRO

Many people have a habit of playing around with pictures and adding various effects for fun. Well than, if you are one of them Old Photo PRO is the perfect solution for your iOS device. With Old Photo PRO, you will have the option to give a complete golden-era touch to the pictures. The app was developed by Deion Mobile and is a very casual application for some light-hearted fun.


The Android ecosystem is filled with some really interesting apps that increase the productivity by leaps and bounds and UC Browser 8 is an example of this productivity. This particular browser not only delivers a desktop-like experience, but also increases the browsing speed considerably. Developed by UC Web itself, the quality of the app is something to be rest assured off. The developers claim that UC Browser 8 on the Android delivers a true web-browsing experience on a smartphone.


FxCamera is a straight shooter; it does what it says and does it to its maximum potential. If you need any proof, just check out the download numbers, which should speak for themselves. Created by ymst, the developer might got close to a fail when it comes to his previous creation, but has scored gold with FxCamera, a brilliant job to say the least. Personally, this is one of those few apps that gel into the whole Android ecosystem without breaking a sweat.

Lightbox Photos

Love sharing those rare moments of yours with people or just prefer treasuring them by yourself. Whatever choice you make, Lightbox Photos will be your friend in the long-run. Lightbox Photos allows users to capture, enhance and share moments as they take place. So all you need is a camera phone, Lightbox, some sweet moments and Voila! you are good to go. Developed by Lightbox themselves, the app has been very well integrated with the various options it has to offer. More than that, users will love the fluidity and the professionalism incorporated deep within the app's ecosystem.

Adobe Photoshop Express

Ever felt the need for a photo-editor right on your smartphone? How many times have you got the picture-perfect look, but a little tweak would not do any harm? Well than, say adios to your desktop editor and lay your hands on the Adobe Photoshop Express for Android. The Photoshop family is nothing new to the editing scene and with its availability on Android platform, the game just gets bigger. Photoshop Express gets editing done in a jiffy and before knowing, you are ready for Social Networking upload.

Keep Safe Free

The most irritating part of owning a smartphone is the numerous prying eyes that just want to breakthrough your videos and pictures. So after alot of hunting through the Android Market, Keep Safe emerged as one of the best solutions to the plight of a thousand Android users. The app is very sturdy with simple interface and great functinality integrated within the system. Created by Keep Safe, the developers have done a great job and have churned out an apt application for security purposes. The strongest point for this app would be it being free, while the features it offers are great.

Wolf Toss

Another fun and epic rip-off? Yes, you guessed it right, Angry Birds. Developers seem to have gone bonkers with the entire concept created by Rovio and some have manged to offer something at par with Angry Birds. Wolf Toss is just one of the examples. Created by Zipline Games, the developer has just made a foray in the Android scene with Wolf Toss and they have done quite an impressive job with their first offering. The game mashes up the gameplay of Angry Birds and the storyline of "The Three Little Pigs".

Color Touch Effects

Always envied the photo effects of the big-wig fashion magazines? Loved the way the beauty of the landscape was shown through your eyes? Well, no more do you require a photo-suit costing a bomb as Color Touch for Android works like a charm. Created by Swiss Codemonkeys, this developer is an experienced player in the Android Market scene. Casual and fun apps might be their forte but on a serious note, they really do not disappoint with Color Touch a bit.

Photosynth by Microsoft

Always loved the professionalism associated with the premier Adobe Photoshop suite? Having a powerful iOS device within your reach, but the image manipulation suites available on the App Store just do not do justice to your creative poweress or are just downright there to make a hole-in-your-pocket? Whatever the reason might be, Photosynth by Microsoft is the answer to your prayers. Developed by Microsoft Corp, there is not much needed to say or tell. Microsoft in itself is a huge name and quality is assured as well as guaranteed. This is one app that every image manipulator on iOS should own.