
Adobe Photoshop Express

Ever felt the need for a photo-editor right on your smartphone? How many times have you got the picture-perfect look, but a little tweak would not do any harm? Well than, say adios to your desktop editor and lay your hands on the Adobe Photoshop Express for Android. The Photoshop family is nothing new to the editing scene and with its availability on Android platform, the game just gets bigger. Photoshop Express gets editing done in a jiffy and before knowing, you are ready for Social Networking upload.


Pinnacle Studios has received a handful of criticism for limited functionality of its software, but things seem to have changed with VideoSpin. VideoSpin is a free video-editing software that offers plenty of options for beginner editors. This video-editor performs really well in comparison to its other free counterparts, making this a perfect choice for casual use. This obviously is no match to the full-paid editors, but does a decently good job by providing options like transitions, various codec supports, output of clips for Video networking sites such as Youtube, Metacafe, just to name a few.