
Free RAR Extract Frog

Free RAR Extract Frog helps in extracting RAR files as well as downloading those that are already damaged. If you are having problems downloading RAR files (a compressed PDF) or the message is telling you it's a damaged file, this software is just the answer. Simply right click, open and save it as a PDF or whatever else you want it as. It does the same job for audio and video files.

Hamster Free Zip Archiver

Hamster Free Zip Archiver compresses files in the ZIP and 7z formats as well as decompress RAR files. It's simple to install and use with its neat interface - compress files by simply dragging and dropping. There are three setting for your archives; Minimum, Optimal and Maximum. Maximum is the slowest speed but the smallest file size and in turn Minimum is the faster speed but the large file to archive.