For your dose of 'digital velvet,' look no further.
In actuality, velvet is one heck of cloth to feel and caress on, but when heard, it's a beaut. Exhibit A:... Read More
If one mardi gras would be scored by a rock band (or even a metal one), it would probably lay some good music like those of Platypus Egg.
Formed in 2009, this five-piece act is an experimental rock band that peculiarly mixes rock music, funky fiesta rhythms, and occasional death growls.
Okay, for a moment, I want you to stop thinking of music as entertainment, and stop thinking of musicians as being the ones fully responsible for bringing their music to you and spoon-feeding you its meaning.
Instead, just for a short while, consider the process of making music more as a collaborative effort, where you and the musician share equal obligation in the end result.