
Jared C. Balogh: Rhythms of Life

Get in touch with your senses as Jared C. Balogh’s Rhytms of Life take you on a transcendent journey of emotions and life experiences. Jared C. Balogh is a musician/composer from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. He’s also a member of the American Composers Forum. He had released numerous albums and have already collaborated with artists like Lezet, Hal McGee, Kawol and The Merricks, to name a few.

H.G. Wells: The War of The Worlds

of The Worlds by Herbert George "H.G." Wells will once again play with your imagination. Written between 1895 to 1897, this sci-fi novel tells the story of an unnamed protagonist while he struggles to return to his wife in a Martian-invaded Earth.

Montes Rook: Patience

Mixing folk music with some enchanting vocals, Montes Rook is a cool little trio from Montgomery, NY. The band is made up of Drew Guido , Jean-Marie Dean, and Noah Meyer; the members aren't exactly new in the band scene. They've spent some time in various other bands before coming together to record this sweet compilation. Drew and Noah have been friends since they were young and have dabbled with different musical genres before settling with this indie acoustic piece. Afterwards, they finally drew the courage to ask Jean-Marie to sing for them. The result was this pleasing trio and their sound.

Falling Balls

Coming straight to the point, Falling Balls is a game that really needs to be played to enjoy it to the fullest. Coming to the iOS platform, it will surely provide all users with ample fun time without getting one bored. Developed by BIT-101, this developer has done a commendable job by integrating the finest architecture structure within such a casual game.

Maximus York: Freedomtown EP

Deep bass, wild party synths and smooth disco feel; this amazing compilation is courtesy of Los Angeles native, Santiago Calogero. Better known under the alias, Maximus York; Freedomtown EP is his latest release. It comes with four free tracks that you can download and check out. Combining a flurry of beats and some upbeat thumping bass, the songs seem perfectly destined for any hot nightspot where dancing is the main topic.

Kit Oh Nein!: KON!

Feel-good psych punk with a touch of indie rock is one way to describe Kit Oh Nein!'s music. The three piece band hails from Detroit/NYC and seems to know their way around the sound. Led by frontman Ryan Milligan from The Hotwalls, KON! (an acronym of the band's name) is the group's debut record. The album contains 10 tracks that run circles around punk, pop, and psychedelic indie rock. Enveloped in raw energy as well as a hazy indie rock club vibe, it's hard to believe the entire set of tracks were recorded in only 3 days. This is one of those debut albums worth checking out if you like dirty, cerebral indie punk rock.

Sound Effects

If you are looking for a way to enhance your lovely little device by adding your own personal touch wether it would be to the wallpaper, theme, transitions or something as basic and simple as the ringtone, there is one app that you should not miss, Sound Effects. Created by Life Mobile, which came up with other great utility apps for the Android ecosystem, Sound Effects does not disappoint.

Swimming: EP

Like most bands, Swimming is a fusion of various musicians who belong from different bands. Regardless of their different projects, this 7-track EP still beams with beautiful cohesion. The band itself is made up of Brian Kupillas- Guitar, Vox , Max Glenn- Bass, Vox, Jared Hennessy- Guitar, Vox and Neil Lord- Drums. Mixing laid back, feel-good music with a surf rock vibe, you get an EP that radiates with great songs; perfect for times you want to hang out with friends and family and simply relax.

FRED et marie

Made initially for Belgium, FRED et marie now expands to a wider audience — the world wide web. This thought - provoking short attempts to shows the real deal in marriages controlled by psychological violence. It's created by Marine Vincent and Pierre Jadot. It's also directed by TheDeck & Lenitch under LOVO Films as well as BONJOUR Inc. The story revolves around Marie, a young woman who is trapped within a controlling and abusive relationship with her appalling husband.