
Samurai vs Zombie

We have played a lot of zombies games and some of them have really blown us away with the level of realism packed inside. This is what Samurai vs Zombie is all about. An action-packed game with oodles of characters and wonderful surroundings. The game was created by Glu Mobile, a developer that has joined the A-league of smartphone game developers long time ago. Since than, Glu has produced some of the most amazing game titles such as Frontline Commando, Blood & Glory, Guitar Hero, Gun Bros Multiplayer and many more. Samurai vs Zombie really sticks to the legacy of great gaming fan.


Once in a while , you come across a band that you just know has that special sound that could make it big if given the right amount of exposure. Popcult is one such band. This four piece crew is comprised of Justin Renaud, Tyler Venter, Alex Halvorson and Brandon Proff. Discreetly titled, 2011, this is the first EP for the group and they're offering it for free in exchange for an email address. It's a pretty good deal since you get a great set of polished indie pop rock tracks that's charming and easy to listen to.


Fring is considered to be the most advanced vide-calling solution on the mobile platform. They have now launched group video-calling for Google Android smartphones, Nokia and iOS devices with support for up to four-way video calling functionality. Fring was the first ever video-calling solution to offer free group video-conferencing and in recent updates, it has also offered free unlimited voice calls to other Fring users without any purchase of credits or tariff plans.

Manther: Manther

Is there anything better than old school beats transformed into modern day awesomeness? Yes, some of the tracks on this one great release might take you straight back to the 80s, but believe me, in some strange way Manther has done an outstanding job in bringing the funky sounds all the way to 21st century. The group composed of Erich McVey, Mitch Morris and Kevan Hanson, has created its own world "where neon is the new black, tank tops are formal wear, and flip up sunglasses are standard issue," so of course we are more than happy to have them here!

Action News Team: God Damn These Electric Sex Pants

Action News Team sounds like a band that's lifted pages of influence from The Doors handbook. With their brand of lofi, bluesy rock and roll, it's hard not to wish you were in a pub with beer on hand while rocking along to these guys. These Edmonton natives describe their sound on their Facebook profile as "psychedelic weirdness" and indeed, you'll find a host of unusual sounds floating in between the songs. From samples, to grizzly guitars, to blues style singing; the songs resonate with that old-school rock vibe that makes it enjoyable from the getgo.


Are you tired with the same look of your phone's interface? Well, if you are a Blackberry user yearning for more, then it is time to shift your attention towards CrunchSMS. This particular app adds the missing zing to the entire messaging interface of Blackberry devices. Delicious Inc., the developers behind this little gem might not have a lot of other apps under their belt, but CrunchSMS have certainly placed them at the top of their game, allowing you to add a cool new look to the mobiles devices waiting for a makeover.

Evan Uhlmann: Blue Lipstick

Evan Uhlmann has a knack for creating fun pop songs, complete with cheeky lyrics and a catchy melody. It's the type of songs you won't mind playing even if you aren't big on pop music at all. Born in Chicago, Uhlmann now calls New York City his home. While studying in Wales, he was under the tutelage of Ray Davies, among the founding members of the British band, The Kinks. Just last year in September, he released his first debut record and called it, Blue Lipstick. Combining pop with acoustic indie rock guitar work, the record contains songs that are playful and with good composition.

Kate Chopin: The Awakening

Considered a landmark work of early feminism, The Awakening by Kate Chopin is definitely a must-read. Catherine O’Flaherty or as many know her, Kate Chopin, was born on February 8, 1850. Even at school or at home, Kate grew up being surrounded with intelligent women that had a great effect on her writing. Though it received much public contempt during its release, The Awakening is one of the earliest American novels that focus on women’s issues without condescension. The story revolves around the character of Edna Pontellier and her struggle to reconcile her liberated beliefs with oppressive social structures of her time.

Cinema Sleep: Make Your Way EP

Clearly bearing some rock genes on them, Cinema Sleep is a five-piece crew that's all set to impress you with their awesome rock sound. Led by Brad Reis on vocals, he's joined by Alex Asch on lead guitar, Trevor Johnson on guitar/vocals, Ryan Meyers on bass and Kevin Vincent on drums. According to the group, their "passion for music has brought us together to form the perfect lineup to create a sound that is uniquely our own." Make Your Way is the band's big debut EP and from the sound of things, they'll be here to stay for a good long while.