Short Film



Sintel is a next in a series of visually stunning and captivating short animation films initiated by the Blender Foundation. The previous - Big Buck Bunny and Elephant's Dream - have been a huge success and associated The Blender name and the Foundation itself with the highest quality animation worldwide. Sintel tells a story of a young girl on a long and dangerous quest to save her best friend, a baby dragon. With plenty of time to tell the story (this short is little over 14min - the longest of all three), the team had a chance to fully showcase both their creative and technical skills and the capabilities of their animation software, Blender. Fast action scenes, fires, landscapes & complicated facial features - all you could expect from a multimillion animation studio, but done by a small, international team of creators working on open source, free software with a budget of $550k.

Moonboy – An Animated Short Film

Moonboy is a short film by Adam Calfee. It is about a young boy who has gotten all fed up with what the television has to offer. “There has got to be more to life than this,” he seems to be thinking, while channel surfing and catching one lame TV commercial after another. What does he do? He aims for the moon! The creative design of Moonboy is simply awe-inspiring. The film boasts of amazing colors to contrast the deceptively simple illustrations. It also makes good use of subtle elements like shadows and natural facial expressions that make each frame very creative and playful in spite of the darkness in the young boy’s thoughts. I particularly like how the moon looks so magnificent and real, although the stars could use a little more playfulness. For instance, the night sky could have looked even more astounding with the hint of a nebula. But overall, the short film is already a visual feast as it is.

Way of the Mantis (2006) – short animation film

Monk learns a thing or two from a tiny little green critter. Way of the Mantis is a beautiful animation short that showcases the story of a Chinese monk that learns a valuable lesson from a tiny friend. The entire film is rendered in a traditional brushpainted style which sets the mood perfectly. The film was done as a thesis animation by Joe Daniels and Jedidiah Mitchell. It is definitely a nice little animation film to watch; all 6 minutes of it would be worth your time.

“Small Penis” – a short film by Stian Hafstad

A graduation film by a group of students led by writer Stian Hafstad, “Small Penis” briefly chronicles the story of Daniel who has huge insecurities about the size of his penis. Produced with a budget of US$400-500 and filmed in only five days in Bergen, Norway, this amusing short film is very well written, shot and composed of surprisingly good, convincing actors. For a film title, “Small Penis” gives a lot, despite its size. Different folks will have different reactions, naturally. Some will be quickly amused, others displeased, and others, stoked.

Mormor (Grandma) – short film about a surprising vacation at grandma’s

Mormor means “grandmother” in Norwegian. This short film is about a renewed bond that was formed between a granddaughter (Pia) and her mormor one fine summer. Pia’s parents are too busy with their lives to take care of her when the school’s on a break, so Pia takes a spontaneous vacation to her mormor’s home. Mormor is a widower, and so the young girl is such a delightful presence in her home. They have so much fun and so many adventures together. However, their adventures are cut short by those who do not get their idea of fun. Mormor is subsequently sent to the frightening “retirement” home, so Pia has to break in and enter the “prison” to save her mormor.

Consumerism! The Musical – short movie from Whitestone Motion Pictures

I imagined my singing and dancing in “Consumerism! The Musical” because it is a truly funny satire of my own shopping habits. Watching this film reminded me of what my friends’ often tell me, “You’ve got to learn to rein yourself in.” And to that, I always answer: “I will.” This short musical film from Whitestone Motion Pictures has the tagline “It's a Wonderful Life!” It is inspired by the culture of excess among people who spend just because they can. The director, Brandon McCormick, explains that he drew the elements in this musical from his own choices and way of living, making the satire internal and easy to relate to. He does not intend to raise an advocacy though, or teach the world to live simply. He says, “It's less about being preachy, more about projecting myself into a farcical world."

Tachaaan! A Karmic Tale – Free Animated Short Film

Everybody knows that an elephant doesn’t forget. In “Tachaaan!” we further learn that an elephant does know how to get even. “Tachaaan!” is a funny animated film done by Rafael Cano (Rafiki), Carlos del Olmo and Miguel A. Bellot. It is produced by Nicolás Matji at La Fiesta Producciones. It will remind you of some Tom and Jerry moments while you're laughing like a kid in some of the scenes -- if you're in a good mood.

“Nemesis” – award winning superhero short film

If you are a fan of comic book heroes and if you fantasize of having superpowers, you should watch “Nemesis.” “Nemesis” is a short film (about 8 minutes) produced by a group of students for a school project in the University of Bergen in Norway. While it would be easy to excuse the shortcomings of films made by students, I am glad there is no reason to forgive the filmmakers for anything in Nemesis. It has the quality of a professional's touch right from the concept to post production finishes.

The Story of Bottled Water with Annie Leonard – How Manufactured Demand pushes what we don’t need and destroys what we need most

The Story of Stuff Project is behind the original animated video "Story of Stuff", which has earned more than 10 million views since it's release in December 2007. "Story of Bottled Water" is a short, simple, informative and at the same time entertaining animated short that exposes the hidden dangers and irrationalities of drinking bottled water most of us don't think about when we spend $1 or more at the store. Watch it and pass it on!