Music Video

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Kellee Maize’s “Integration” Reaches 100K Downloads via Frostwire

FrostClick has reviewed Kellee’s first album “Aligned Archetype” back in January 2010 and ever since both the FrostWire team and the community have been great supporters of Miss. Kellee Maize. Just about 20 days ago, we’ve launched a promotion for her second album “Integration” and the downloads have spread like hot cookies! They have just reach 100,000 and are still going strong!

TEDTalk: Maya Beiser(s) and her cello(s)

Cellist Maya Beiser plays a gorgeous eight-part modern etude with seven copies of herself, and segues into a meditative music/video hybrid -- using tech to create endless possibilities for transformative sound. Music is Steve Reich's "Cello Counterpoint," with video from Bill Morrison, then David Lang's "World to Come," with video by Irit Batsry.

Kellee Maize – Hasta Abajo (All The Way Down)

One of FrostClick's favorite artists, Kellee Maize, has just released a single from her upcoming album, Integration. Known around as THE female rapper (try googling it!), her last release "Aligned Archetype" has been downloaded over 300k and has reached #1 on Amazon MP3s downloads. Hasta Abajo (All The Way Down) adds a new spin to Kellee Maize sound with new reggaeton beats complementing her, as always, thoughtful and well written lyrics. To top all that, the music video is top quality as well.

La BlogothequeTake Away Show (Les Concerts Emporter)

Nearing its fifth year and under the close guidance of Vincent Moon, the Take Away Show already produced hundreds of music video clip sessions with bands like Liars, R.E.M, Arcade Fire, Sigur Rs, Caribou, Architecture in Helsinki, The Shins, White Rabbits, Sufjan Stevens, Tom Jones, Phoenix, Yo La Tengo, and Block Party. Those simplistic, informal, yet masterfully shot high-production captures of some of todays greatest music is made available to everyone each week as an artist or a band is invited by La Blogotheque, a French music blog, to perform.

Burly: Worthy

Burly is a Sean Fournier's side project. "Worthy" has all characteristic qualities of Sean's previous creations - the melancholic voice, clear piano & guitars and carefully crafted lyrics, but with a tiny spin. To hear more from Burly, fans need to 'Like' his songs on Facebook. After a song accumulates a specific number of fans, another is published. Hope the experiment works, because I would sure love to hear more complex and longer track as the #2 - 44 seconds of "Worthy" is not enough!!!

[TED Talk] James Burchfield plays (invisible) turntables

Yet another great vocal percussionist is on the loose! James The AudioPoet Burchfield had a funny, but jaw-dropping performance in TED Talks last February 2003. He not only showcased his talent in beat boxing, James WOW-ed the people by demonstrating his act of playing an imaginary turntable. Hes not your ordinary beat boxer; he calls himself an audiopoet for a reason. His different interpretation and his own created art of human beatbox gave new meaning to hip-hop.

[TED Talk] Naturally 7 beatboxes a whole band – Hip Hop and R&B with a twist

Love Hip Hop and R&B? Then this video is for you. Naturally 7 sung their way on TED Talks stage when they performed their song Fly Baby. No, there werent any instruments or band. Instead, they used their own vocals to compose a good rhythm. Beatboxing or vocal play, as they call it, is one of the things the group is very good at; it paved a way for them to be more creative and unique among any other Hip Hop and R&B groups.

[TED Talk] Eric Lewis rocks the jazz world during a TED Conference

Normal music enthusiast would dare say that Jazz and Rock can never go together. It may be because it does not complement each other and the produced music will not sound good or no musician is insane enough to try. Above all these excuses, Eric Lewis proved them wrong. In the recent TED Conference, Eric showed his special skill of mixing two good and well-established genres into a great crossover of the song Going Under, popularized by the gothic rock band Evanescence.