Cabela’s Big Game Hunter is a mobile hunting game that takes the genre to another level. Game publisher Activision has embedded in it some of the finest graphics on the iOS and Android, and there are several features here that you won’t find elsewhere. If you have played hunting games, the pattern will be familiar, but there are surprises here too.
CSR Classics is the latest in the CSR series from developer NaturalMotion, and it is one of their best yet. Now you have the opportunity to race the Mercedes 300 SL, Chevrolet Camaro, Gran Torino and other classics against each other. There’s nothing like this before in mobile gaming and the graphics and sound is first rate.
Tank Battles is an enjoyable game wherein you try to decimate your opponents in, well, tank battles. This concept isn’t new, but Gameloft has updated the genre by creating a game with flashy graphics, Internet play and several ways to upgrade your gear and become better in the game. And that’s only the beginning.
RoboCop from publisher Glu Games is the official mobile game tie-in for the upcoming movie, and it is available free to play. As in the movie, you play the role of Alex Murphy, the injured cop who has been turned into a cyborg to battle the criminals rampaging throughout futuristic Detroit.
Asphalt 8 Airborne from Gameloft is one of the best racers on the iOS, period. This series has been around since 2004, and this release is the best yet with new graphics, sound and plenty of stunts you can perform thanks to a revamped physics engine. Now you can throw caution to the wind and do those twists, and you will see your ride fly off ramps.
Fightback is a sidescrolling fighting game that follows the adventures of an ex-soldier who goes after thugs that abducted his sister. The story isn’t new as far as sidescrolling games are concerned, but developer Chillingo has upped the ante by making good use of touchscreen controls.
Clumsy Ninja from NaturalMotion is, as the title suggests, all about the world’s clumsiest ninja, and it is up to you to train him. The training and range of activities that your ninja has to do varies, and include bouncing on trampolines and learning how to move quickly. And that is just for starters.
Krashlander is one of the most challenging snowboarding games available today. Published by Farseer Games, the game is physics based, so you can’t jump around like you would in other games. This makes it very challenging but at the same time quite enjoyable.
Armored Drive is a racing game developed by Elbert Perez, and it refers to a revolutionary but untested spy car. Now it’s your job to take the car and push it to the limit and see how far it will go. This is an addicting game and you’re going to have a blast driving the car through various situations and challenges.