FaceQ is an avatar creator for the IOS and Android. Rather than just use emoticons to express how you feel, you can create a custom avatar that shows what you’re doing and how you’re feeling as well. Aside from being free, the avatars you can create here are more detailed than regular smileys. The app was developed by Erick Kuo and Mantan Studios.
Zabbix from Zabbix SIA is an open source enterprise program designed to track applications and networks. Originally designed by Alexei Vladishev, the program monitors network hardware, different kinds of network services and the performance of your IT system as well.
WebMatrix is a web development tool developed by Microsoft, and with this cloud connected tool you’ll be able create, publish and maintain your website easily. With this application you’ll also be able to use HTML5 templates, Node.js, Php, ASP.NET and use the newest standards like CSS3, HTML5, JQuery and JavaScript.
Filebot by Rednoah is a free open source tool for renaming your favorite anime, TV shows and movies alongside the ability to download subtitles. The program is small and streamlined so it’s very easy to use. Also, there’s full support for Mac, Windows and Linux, with a full use of a command line interface.
Sandboxie is a Windows sandbox program designed by Ronen Tzur that will prevent computer applications from making changes that are permanent to the OS. Aside from protecting your data and Windows, it also puts your web browser inside the program’s sanbox. If your browser downloads malware, it will be kept in the sandbox.
DU Battery Saver from DU Apps Studios was developed specifically to help your Android’s battery life last longer. Nothing is more frustrating than when you’re p... Read More
Clean Master from Cheetah Mobile, as the name suggests, will remove all the clutter in your mobile that’s been slowing it down. In addition the app also works as an optimizer for smartphones that lag when you play games, play videos or when you have several tabs open.
DU Speed Booster is an app designed to increase the speed of your Android device by up to 60%. Developed by DU Apps Studio, the app also comes with a free antivirus program, a nice security feature bonus. In addition, DU Speed Booster removes all the junk and cached files in your mobile to free space.
Free RAR Extract Frog helps in extracting RAR files as well as downloading those that are already damaged.
If you are having problems downloading RAR files (a compressed PDF) or the message is telling you it's a damaged file, this software is just the answer.
Simply right click, open and save it as a PDF or whatever else you want it as. It does the same job for audio and video files.