Windows (PC)

Software for Windows Desktop Devices


WebMatrix is a web development tool developed by Microsoft, and with this cloud connected tool you’ll be able create, publish and maintain your website easily. With this application you’ll also be able to use HTML5 templates, Node.js, Php, ASP.NET and use the newest standards like CSS3, HTML5, JQuery and JavaScript.


The Desktops program was created by Mark Russinovich and Bryce Cogswell, and it lets you organize your Windows applications in up to four virtual desktops. With this free utility you’ll be able to do more on your computer and make full use of the available screen.

Sumatra PDF

Sumatra PDF is an open source PDF reader and viewer for Windows. Developed by Krzysztof Kowalczyk, it’s a good example of the saying that less is more, as the program offers just exactly what you need without bloatware. In other words, the Sumatra PDF viewer doesn’t have features that slow your computer down.


Sandboxie is a Windows sandbox program designed by Ronen Tzur that will prevent computer applications from making changes that are permanent to the OS. Aside from protecting your data and Windows, it also puts your web browser inside the program’s sanbox. If your browser downloads malware, it will be kept in the sandbox.

Worldwide Telescope

Worldwide Telescope is, as the name suggests, is a virtual telescope that gives you access to the stunning photos that have been taken by Hubble, Chandra and Spitzer. Developed by Microsoft, it is somewhat like Google Sky, but this isn’t just a copycat though, as it has many other features.

Mouse Without Borders

Mouse without Borders was developed by Microsoft’s Garage Project. This free Windows utility allows you to sync up to four PCs, all so you can drag and share files in a single environment. In other words, you get to use up to four PCs as though it was one, and the utility is only 1.1 MB.


FreeCol is an open source resource management / strategy game inspired by the classic game Civilization. It incorporates many elements from the classic game as well as new ones. Players command pioneers as they attempt to colonize the New World. Your choices are Russian, Swedish, Danish, Portuguese, English, French, Spanish or Dutch explorers.

Free RAR Extract Frog

Free RAR Extract Frog helps in extracting RAR files as well as downloading those that are already damaged. If you are having problems downloading RAR files (a compressed PDF) or the message is telling you it's a damaged file, this software is just the answer. Simply right click, open and save it as a PDF or whatever else you want it as. It does the same job for audio and video files.