
Software for Linux Devices

Web of Trust

The Internet is a fun place, but we all know there are online scams, hacked sites and so on, and if you are worried about privacy and security, having a utility like Web of Trust (WOT) can come in handy. This browser add-on, available for Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari and Opera, tells you which websites are the most trustworthy based on user experiences and ratings.


OpenTeacher is an open source application that makes it easier to learn a new language. Basically what the application does is allow you to produce tests that will help you master your foreign language skills, and while similar programs do exist, OpenTeacher is entirely free.


Krita is an image editing application, but before you dismiss this as just another GIMP knockoff, it isn’t. While it has all the basic tools you’d expect, it also comes with several features that make image manipulation and photo editing easier such as multiple masks per layer, color history, clone layers and more.