SoundHound is a music recognition / music search engine app. Available for the iOS, Windows Phone and Android, it can identify songs you are playing, humming or singing. If that’s not enough, you can type or just mention the artist or song and it will work. These features set it apart from other music recognition apps.
The future belong to smartphones and the quality of apps that are pouring in will punch-us-in-the-face really hard. This is is exactly what Google Goggles is trying to explain to its Android and iPhone users.
Developed by Google, the creator of Android, Google Goggles oozes out performance, quality, clutter-free UI and productivity. The app helps its users in obtaining the most in-depth information about a subject by simply taking its picture.
Traveling is fun, but planning and organizing can be a hassle. WorldMate app is designed to make things easier for you. Developed by WorldMate Inc, it is available for the iOS, Android, BlackBerry and Windows Phone.
The app is pleasing to the eye, especially with iOS’ Retina Display. The application stores trip details locally, so you can view the files even with no Internet connection. In addition, there are other features that stand out, including the ability to provide flight alerts in real time.
All users hooked onto Internet Radio will be very familiar with Pandora. The service that allows users to create custom playlist and every particular station is set by a specific artist or song or a mixture of multiple items fused into a single station.
The feature and functionality embedded in Pandora that totally takes away the cake would be the Feedback function that has an impact not only on the particular track, but on the entire Playlist on a whole.
Here we bring a really cool app that surely will make you smile. Floating Image for Android makes a live wallpaper out of all the various sources where your pictures are stored. Yes, you heard that right. The app itself is very cool and offers a great way of sprucing up the decor factor to a new level.
Created by Mark Gjøl, the developer is fairly new to the Android ecosystem, but the delivery with Floating Image is so amazing that we can just look forward for his next offering on the Market.
Skyscanner is an app that lets you search flights from around the world. When you use the app, you’ll be able to locate the most affordable dates and flights around. After downloading and setting up the program, it will ask for your present location so it can locate the nearest flight. You can choose OK or “don’t allow”. Choose OK when you are ready to use the app.
If you tap OK, you’ll be given information about the nearest airport. Skyscanner will also tell you where the flights in your area are located. The screen will also have information on what days a flight is returning or departing, where airports fly to and the closest airport. You can modify the search options to show only direct flights.
All Droid users brace up for war, we are in a state of emergency. Well, that is the scenario as far as Assaulter is concerned. A heavy duty, action-packed warfare game with HD graphics for a truly immersive experience beyond doubt.
Created by CWA Games, the developer behind some other great apps for Android, the more recent Assaulter certainly raised the bar for all the action games that will follow.
Pinball Deluxe is based upon the traditional game, but with twists. This Android arcade game comes with five tables. Each one has distinct features and can be considered a complete game. They are Brix, Carnival, Diving for Treasure, Space Explorer and Wild West.
Controls for the game are simple. Touch and hold any part of the screen to propel the ball. Touching the left and right side of your smartphone will control the left and right flippers. Shake your phone if you want to give the table a shake. If you want to pause the game, tap the scoreboard at the top of the screen.
Tango Free Video Calls does exactly what it says: offer video calls and international text at no cost. This app from TangoMe works with tablets, smartphones and PCs. You can make voice calls between PCs, iOS and Android at no cost.
The mobile app edition basically has the same features for the three phones. You get an account and there’s no need to set up a password. You can invite your buddies and call them, send text and email. If you are using the voice call feature, you can switch to video on the fly.