
PicsArt Photo Studio

PicsArt Photo Studio is a photo editing app for Android phones. This isn’t as powerful as the desktop version of Adobe Photoshop, but for mobile phones, it packs a punch. Aside from basic photo editing features, there are special effects built in too. For a free app, PicsArt Photo Studio is comparable to paid programs in terms of capabilities. However, the software is not difficult to learn. Icons are used instead of text, keeping the interface tidy. Its notification bar is located under the seven main icons. They are Photo, Camera, My Network, Profile, Gallery, Collage and Draw.


Photo editors are available by the dozens on the iOS platform, but a very few of them create a niche for themselves and leave a smile on users face. Well, Gifture is just the app that lives by this statement to the fullest and does the job in the best possible way, especially when it comes to easily creating beautifully animated photos. Created by Toaast a developer that has been quite loyal to the App Store; Gifture is an app that does make a mark for itself and lives up to a few expectations of the user to say the least about its productivity.

Samurai vs Zombie

We have played a lot of zombies games and some of them have really blown us away with the level of realism packed inside. This is what Samurai vs Zombie is all about. An action-packed game with oodles of characters and wonderful surroundings. The game was created by Glu Mobile, a developer that has joined the A-league of smartphone game developers long time ago. Since than, Glu has produced some of the most amazing game titles such as Frontline Commando, Blood & Glory, Guitar Hero, Gun Bros Multiplayer and many more. Samurai vs Zombie really sticks to the legacy of great gaming fan.

Old Photo PRO

Many people have a habit of playing around with pictures and adding various effects for fun. Well than, if you are one of them Old Photo PRO is the perfect solution for your iOS device. With Old Photo PRO, you will have the option to give a complete golden-era touch to the pictures. The app was developed by Deion Mobile and is a very casual application for some light-hearted fun.

Collection of Rare Antique High Resolution Map Images from Geographicus

In March this year, Geographicus Rare Antique Maps, a specialist dealer in fine and rare antiquarian cartography and historic maps, donated their collection of over 2000 digital images to Wikimedia Commons. Here is just a small selection of a really great collection. Explore more, and help Wikimedia to categorise them, here. Each map shown below is linkable to the Wikimedia Commons page with more info about the map and higher resolution images. Huge thank you to Geographicus for sharing these amazing images!

Computer Arts

Everywhere we look we are surrounded by design. It is in every website you visit, museum, street sign, product label, t-shirt, book, magazine, music album, even your makeup (if you wear one). Yes the world is getting creative and so can you. So whether you want to brush up on your skills, learn few new tricks, or start from the very beginning - the Internet is filled with great resources to help you out in your creative endeavors. With nearly 800 free tutorials, prepared by top professionals in the field, on everything ranging from 2D and 3D design, animation, web, and new media - Computer Arts website is one of such resources.