
Hourglass Sea: Return to the Crematorium

Hourglass Sea’s 2011 release, Return to the Crematorium, touches our deepest emotions building it into pure musical bliss. Hailing from Bradford, Britain, Dean Bentley better known as Hourglass Sea offers eight superb tracks that’s hypnotically relaxing but at the same time demands you not to fall asleep. A key-player in this album is its artistic freedom that focuses more about the instruments rather than other aspects. There are not many albums that can successfully pull this off but Hourglass Sea is one-of-a-kind.

Sweatshirt Weather: With High Hopes EP

Indianapolis natives, Sweatshirt Weather, is more or less a young band, but this doesn't mean they can't hold their own when it comes to beautiful and fun summer pop rock songs. With High Hopes EP was released in BandCamp back in January 2010 but it wasn't until 2011 when the band officially solidified as a group. They were joined by bassist , Chad Kulaga, by this time and faithfully started their journey in the indie music world. Their brand of summer power pop has helped propel them into the spotlight and has allowed them to share the stage with the likes of The Fold and The Bigger Lights.

Monarchs: ft. Celeste – a Monarchs Mixtape

Monarchs is a surprising band that people who enjoy hip hop, alternative and soul should take note of. The group is led by the sultry and sexy Southern belle, Celeste Griffin. Currently based in Austin, Texas; the singer has several backing musicians that help complete her crew. Together, they combine to create a powerful and soulful sound complete with catchy beats and samples. Ft. Celeste is their latest record. They've released previous ones too, particularly The Rise and Fall; Those Words, Those Frames and The Oak EP. All of which are up for purchase over at BandCamp.

Flag White: Let Go EP

Flag White undergoes a musical overhaul. The scandinavian post-punk band member Bjørn Alexander Gøtzsche Lange returns to the good-all synth in his latest EP, Let Go. Released last April 2011, the five-track album is a view into the progress of an artist who tries to maneuver nightmares and dreams into a splendid musical collection. Rekindling a lost tie from synth, Another Song opens up with a mix of pop beats and dream wave. Echoing vocals add a dreamy vibe to the track.

Kevin Burdick: In Your Cocoon

American singer/songwriter and pianist, Kevin Burdick creates contemporary piano rock ballads that's both soothing and relaxing. Currently based in Utah, the singer has had 5 releases under his name. Among his albums is this 4-track compilation, In Your Cocoon. It's a few years old but it's a great record to have if you want to dip your toes into the artists' sound. Sounding off a bit of Billy Joel and Elton John, Kevin Burdick is steadily making his name known worldwide. He's performed in various key cities as well as arena sized crowds; delighting the audience with his soulful ballads while adding a sweet touch of rock.

Summerays: Daydream EP

If you want something to make you feel good throughout the day, then the Summerays might just do the trick. Daydream EP is a fun, indie pop compilation that conjures up images of relaxation at the beach and soaking up the sun. The band describes their sound as surfer rock and certainly the songs they have are perfect for beach bumming days with friends and family. The EP comes with 5 simple but catchy tracks. Summerays is actually a duo made up of Luke Teeters and Josh Bodnar. Together they make music in their own little haven in Cleveland, OH.

Wordsmith: Prelude To The King

Practically a regular here in the Frostclick blog, Wordsmith returns with a brand new Mixtape, Prelude To the King. True to form, the album is a great display of smooth beats, catchy rhythm, as well as awesome mic skills from Word and crew. There's really no need to argue whether this mixtape is worth your time. Pretty much anything Wordsmith has released has always held the bar high enough to warrant a listen and eventually a download. Prelude To The King is no different of course, marching in with 15 tracks that bob and sway with beats worthy of welcoming any hip hop royalty.

Adam Stern: Music Mondays

Adam Stern packages his goods in a tight, fresh set. Released last February 2011, Music Mondays offers nine pop-infused tracks that'll surely melt your ears with delight. Commonly referred as "The Dreamer Child", Adam is a popular Los Angeles based singer/songwriter that muses on love, heartbreak, war, peace and coexistence. Stern's music was greatly influenced by his childhood in Berkeley, CA , while devouring to the albums of The Beatles, Bob Marley and Michael Jackson. Since 2009, he had independently released 40 tracks including two full-length albums.

Debbie Neigher: Debbie Neigher

Before you dismiss Debbie Neigher as just another wannabe Tori Amos with her piano playing skills and vocals; there's actually more to her than that. Neigher is a classically trained pianist and songwriter. This is a debut record for the artist and it's proving quite intense and personal. In it, she tackles various topics in her songs ranging from sexual assault to musings about what happened to her best friend. It's these lyrics plus the wonderful delivery that makes her sound more intriguing and worth checking.