
Tan Yu Quan: The Caterpillar Sandwich

Sweet and charming. Those are the first two words you’ll probably think of when you hear this short but solid EP from Tan Yu Quan. Although not much is out there about the singer, he is from Singagpore and the charming EP is his first proper release. The entire four tracks were recorded from home and served simply as a personal project for the young musician. Despite being a home recording, the EP sounds quite polished and emanates with beautiful acoustic pop tracks throughout.

Eskar: The EP (Debut)

West Yorkshire rap artist, Eskar is making his mark in the online hip hop world. The aptly titled “The E.P.” is a 10-track compilation recorded back in 2011. Although it was meant to be released soon after; time, school, money and other events hindered the artist from doing so. Luckily, he’s managed to still move forward with the debut and eventually offer this cool compilation for free download. Filled with samples, catchy and sometimes jazzy beats as well as some solid skills on the mic, Eskar is certainly an artist to check out.

Narrow Sparrow: Synthworks

Although a bit bizarre when you first listen to it, Synthworks from Narrow Sparrow grows on you over time. This short compilation is only 4-tracks long but there's enough things to dissect and check out that makes it highly entertaining. Enveloped in a hazy, spacey sound, the background music are quite random but when the singing starts, it's easy to see its charm. Narrow Sparrow comes from Chicago and is made up of Ricky, Dina and Matt.

Shy Guys vs Nurses

A downtempo, electro compilation filled with great bass lines and jazzy tones; this self-titled record from Shy Guys vs. Nurses makes for an intriguing listen. Recorded back in the 90s along with most of the releases from the group, the tracks are over a decade old. To date, it seems the band has only played one show at "The Factory in Bellingham, Washington on September 15, 2000." Even though they might not be around anymore, they did left a good footprint behind in the form of this classic, easy listening album.

Friends With The Help: Confidence

Friends with the Help is a trio made up of Low Lux, Young Nige, and DJ K-Rec. Hailing from Toronto, Confidence is the group's second release. Their first release was a mixtape with 17 tracks. Ever since, they've honed their sound to create not only great beats or spinning awesome samples but to also include authentic lyrics as they share their stories. Confidence is equipped with 13 tracks where the boys showcase more tricks up their sleeves. Their expert use of samples and vivid storytelling makes for an entertaining listen.

Y.Lam: Your Love & Music

Y.Lam will definitely capture hearts in his latest musical effort, Your Love & Music. Released last December 14, 2010, this album features ten tracks that plays on the territories of pop and r&b.

Blanket Truth: Urban Wildlife

As the name suggests, Blanket Truth's second full-lenght and final album Urban Wildlife is a jungle of lo-fi indie pop. Hailing from Seattle, the band is the brainchild of Jon Manning and Eli Damm. In this 11-track collection, the duo collaborated with several guest vocals and musicians using a variety of instruments such as ukelele, banjo, xylophone, and singing saw, to name a few. With Watercolor Paintings, Pangea, James Rabbit, and Shelby Sifers as musical influences, this album will surely give you a rich slice of folk heaven.

All India Radio: Free Me (Remixes & Outtakes)

All India Radio is a four piece crew from the land down under. Even if you've never heard of them, chances are you might have encountered their songs from TV shows like CSI: Miami, One Tree Hill or Australia's premiere series, Bondi Rescue. They've released 8 albums since 2000 and continue to impress as well as win over more listeners thanks to their ambient sound. Their mix of hypnotic downbeat electronica serves as a lush soundscape that listeners can easily get lost in. Free Me (Remixes & Outtakes) contains a collection of released/remixed and previously unreleased songs that's offered by the boys for free.