Other Genre

Rei Teytum: Viajeros

A wonderful fusion of rock, funk, folk, jazz, brass with some great sounding guitar, percussion, violin, viola, keyboards, trumpet, sax, bagpipes!?, and yes, even harmonica. It seems that Rei Teytum have it all, except of course for an English version of their bio anywhere on the Internet. So it is times like this that I wish I spoke more languages to bring you important information about the artists. But since that will simply not happen lets focus on their fantastic album, "Viajeros""Travelers", and the tiny bits of band history I was able to get (courtesy of my friend Google Translate).

Rusalka: Accent EP

Rusalka might seem like an odd name for a band, but their name is quite appropriate for the type of weird yet soothing music they make. This short EP was released back in August 2010 and contains 4 instrumental tracks. It's easy to trace hints of progressive, alternative, indie rock on the songs. With sweeping guitar work, heavy drums and occasional chants, the tracks remind me of an instrumental, Rise Against. Accent is offered at a pay-what-you-want option. You can donate to the band or you can simply hit zero on the donation option. It should give you the download option. Definitely a record worth checking out.

Sunlight Ascending: All The Memories, All At Once

Hailing from Detroit, Michigan is Sunlight Ascending, who play a brand of instrumental ambient/experimental rock that relies most heavily on the guitars to builder somber feelings as well as elation when they soar and reverberate.  Their first album All The Memories, All The Time has a full range of sounds that deliver powerful emotions to the listener. The band formed as high school freshmen and this album is the result of three years of playing together. The impressive learning curve that finds a three year old band making such an accomplished and fully wrought album is a testament to Sunlight Ascending.

The Taxpayers: To Risk So Much For One Meal

Listening to The Taxpayers, means undergoing plenty of mixed emotions. From anger, to confusion, to doubt, relief, happiness, joy, and everything in between; it's like a rollercoaster of sound that makes you sick, but in a good kind of way. Mixing punk, ska, country, folk and so much more in between, To Risk So Much For One Meal, is filled with plenty of exciting cuts to check out. This is a follow-up record for this Portland, Oregon group and it seems they're still continually evolving their sound. Compared to their previous record, this one adds a little more punk rock to the mix; resulting in a louder, "angstier" but definitely more enjoyable record. Grab it right now and have a great time bouncing around to this one.

Very Okay: Small Loud

Very Okay is one of the latest bands hosted by indie donation based netlabel, Quote Unquote Records. This Brooklyn based group is made up of members coming from several prominent indie rock bands in the area. Together, they create upbeat indie pop rock with hints of punk. Small Loud is a short compilation that rushes through 6 punchy fast pop tracks. The record is a burst of upbeat instruments, sweet lyrics, great vocal work, as well as fast rhythms. It's a short but excellent record that's filled with fun times. Give the album a download and don't forget to give a little something for the band if you like it.

Icon Girl Pistols: Crushed Beneath The Wheels

Icon Girl Pistols is actually a four piece band based in Japan. They sing rock, indie and alternative songs and release about one track per month for free download. If you are not a fan of Japanese rock bands or simply can't appreciate it, then you best stay away. and check the other posts. However, if like me, you've grown up fascinated with almost anything Japanese, including Dragonball and Pokémon, then this record is quite a treat. Each track is fun to listen to and definitely worth checking out and downloading. All of their records so far, including this one, Crushed Beneath the Wheels, are available for free download on their website or Jamendo.

Watertank: Fairy Crimes

It's been awhile since I've checked in with my loud side. Here's one really loud metal, prog album for you then. Fairy Crimes is Watertank's latest record. It's a short 6 track compilation that's offered for free. Members of the band are based in France and seem to be heavily influenced by various metal, progressive and even hardcore bands. Heavy double bass drumming, loud and prominent guitars as well as occasional honey voiced vocals are prominently displayed in the band's sound. Watertank has been around since 2003 and have had their fair share of success. They've gotten the opportunity to share the stage with artists like Capricorns, Torche and Lair Of The Minotaur to name a few. Close that door of yours, turn the volume up and start rockin'!

BNegão & Seletores de Freqüência

BNegão & Seletores de Freqüência come from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil with a mix of Hip-Hop, Regge, Dub, Jazz, Samba, Soul, Rock, Dance, Metal, Baile Funk and as a description on the artists’ myspace page reads their music is often characterized as explosive. In fact ‘explosive’ is just what I though when I first listened to their album Enxugando Gelo (‘Drying Ice’).