
MajorLOVE: Story

Here are some fresh indie-pop tunes from MajorLOVE. In her EP titled Story, the Phoenix-based songstress offers five tracks that have genuine appeal to electro-pop fans.

Sarah McGowan: Indian Summer

Summers in India are known to be very hot and humid, as the scorching sun makes your clothes cling to your sticky sweet skin. Good thing there is music like Sarah McGowan’s that feel like running an ice cube all over your skin. Her soothing music is a welcome relief when it becomes a little too hot to your liking.

Diners: Throw Me A Ten

It seems that lo-fi is the route that many bands have been taking. After all, indie recording isn’t that much of a foreign as it used to be with the many recording apps and equipment within the reach of anyone who dreams of having a band. Not to mention that there are many studios out there who welcome up and coming bands into their recording booths.