Ready for some sweet and infectious folk melodies? Chicago-based music duo Dave and Licia Radford a.k.a The Gray Havens, offers six radio polished tracks in their 2012 release Where Eyes Don’t Go.
Swiss music is always good to have since only a few are around to choose from.
Hailing from Lausanne, Switzerland, the French-speaking part of the country, Bryyn is the living proof that army knives and hot chocolate beverages are not the only things that the Swiss should be proud of. Most of his songs are written and recorded at his apartment together with his wife, Rachel and a couple of his friends playing the instruments.
There’s acoustic folk pop, then there’s awesome, vibrant acoustic folk rock from The Novel Ideas! These Massachusetts natives can evoke emotion and create a beautiful mood with just skilful guitar rhythms and melodic singing.
Simple and stripped down, Room For Living EP is a refreshing record. Thanks to its honesty and rawness, Marian Mereba manages to communicate what's most important when it comes to her sound: her voice and music.
Newcomer Marian Mereba is an Atlanta-based singer that has taken the underground Atlanta scene by storm. Ask around several of the local artists and they've probably worked with her or know about her.
Marian is an independent artist who relies on word of mouth to spread the word about her sound. Room For Living EP is her debut EP and comes with 10 tracks all released in February 2013.
It all started with a Mandolin, a musical instrument from the lute family functioned to play light classical string repertory, and a batch of songs written while shuttered away during a year in Siberia shared between two friends to birth what we know now as Norwegian Arms. With just these simple instruments, the group was able to give body and weight to their earnest, upbeat and thoughtful freak-folk.
Andrew Jonathan’s self titled compilation is a seven track album of acoustic goodies. It is easy to the ear with a grunge like outfit to polish the commercial needs of the listeners. Maintaining focus though can be a bit difficult because of the singer’s gruff tones suddenly springing out from time to time, but still, it doesn’t spoil the good music that it is.
Frozen Flowers is Fenrir?s second album (2009) following up Whispers of the Old World which was released last 2007. Comparing the two, you would hear the differ... Read More
Kanoi manages to enchant and mesmerize listeners with his eclectic sound. Mixing pop, indie, folk and a tad bit of rock on there, Arsonics is an interesting record that resounds with a certain raw appeal.
The man behind Kanoi is Austrian musician, Benjamin Kantschieder. He's essentially a one-man crew; playing all the instruments and doing all the vocal work.
Arsonics is compilation of remastered/remixed work from previous compilations Cracks and Endlight EP.
Armed with sweet and powerful vocals, Chantilly's Up To the Moon EP booms and crashes like the Brooklyn singer's sunny and quirky disposition. This is one of those compilations that automatically make you smile and feel elated even if you're listening to it the first time.
Up To the Moon EP is a compilation of 5 self-written tracks. This is a first for the singer and it's easy to tell that that she definitely has something up her sleeve. Her vocals and witty lyrics echo of lost loves, memorable summer times and of course, a general self-reflection that can only come from the mind of a witty and fun loving girl.