This is Sean Fournier’s fourth release. ‘Oh My’ is a six-track album featuring newly re-recorded songs from previous albums (‘Put the World On Stop’ & ‘Paper Tiger’). This one was created to be 100% FREE. Sean encourages his listeners to download it, share it, give it friends or family – everything to “spread it like a plague”.
Brad Sucks - Meet Brad Sucks, the self-proclaimed "one man band with no fans". Brad's brand of ironic rock has spread like wildfire via the Internet in the last several years. His "fan funded, professionally manufactured" album "I don't know what I'm doing" was presold though his own website, allowing fans to kick in the money needed to press and print CDs at a professional level.
Fading Ways Music’s latest compilation album is available for free download under the creative commons license. All the previous samplers are still available on the Finding Ways Music Store for a symbolic £1.00.
Fading Ways Music’s sixth compilation album is available for free download under the creative commons license. The first four samplers have been a great success for the label and are still available on the Finding Ways Music Store for a symbolic £1.00. Volume 5 is also available under creative commons and you can find out how to download it here.
Fading Ways Music's fifth compilation album is available for free download under the creative commons license. The previous four samplers have been a great success for the label and are still available on the Finding Ways Music Store for a symbolic £1.00. This one is a nice, clean mixture of British rock, rock'n'roll and punk and has been judged to also be the heaviest thus far.
A brief refresher: Harvey Danger formed in Seattle in 1994. Their first
record, Where Have All the Merrymakers Gone?, released on Brooklyn’s tiny
Arena Rock Recording Company, became a surprise smash when the song
“Flagpole Sitta” became an inescapable summer staple on commercial
radio and MTV in 1998.