
Beginner’s Luck by Lindalou and Michael Ryge – folk pop 70s music

70s style couple that loves to make folk music together. Originally released almost a decade ago, (2003) Lindalou and Michael Ryge's Beginner's Luck only became available for download in Jamendo two years ago. The album is a mixture of folk 70s rock and straight acoustic pop. It certainly makes you think of staying in some uphill grassland park somewhere, basking in the sun and enjoying nature. The couple has been creating music together for over 30 years. Songs on Beginner's Luck talk about their adventures and reflect their love for each other as well as their love for life. It's an honest, feel good 60s-70s folk music that will make you wish it was the flower era once again.

Sinkhole – Retrospectacles

Exciting rock music that makes you wish it was the 90s all over again. Sinkhole is a band I wish I had found sooner. Retrospectacles brings with it a genuine energy that's hard to find in most rock acts today. The guitar and drumming style is clearly lifted from the 90s workbook, and this makes the band even more endearing. This album, Retrospectacles, is made up of 7 new tracks, lumped together with 12 previously released tracks. It is the band's fourth full-length album and has a fast, punk rock sound with a tinge of 90s grunge.

Floppy Dee – The Small Disappears, The Great Approaches

Punk pop rock sound with emo-ish vocals to match. Floppy Dee certainly hits the nail right on the head when it comes to a pop punk emo mash-up. It's not just the loud thrashing guitars and beating drums that make it sound like any emo punk band struggling to gain ground, but the vocals certainly add to it as well. Although anti-emo punk people might find music like this hard to swallow, The Small Disappears, The Great Approaches is definitely filled with good tracks that are worth the listen especially if punk rock/emo music runs in your veins.

The French Revolution – The Letdown

Power pop rock visionaries claiming their stake on revolution. Sharing their penchant "love for rock music." The French Revolution is striving to make their own splash with their upbeat rocking record The Letdown. Well, if there's one thing these guys are doing right, it's NOT letting their listeners "down." The band lineup has changed since this first album was released. From 7 original members contributing in the first release, they've narrowed it down to 4 official members for their upcoming 2nd album. Staples throughout the transition includes Daniel French on vocals and guitar and Jeremy Bentley on drums.

Post Human Era’s To Build A Fire – lazy electronic pop at its finest

Two brothers channeling Deathcab for Cutie along with Radiohead. Perhaps one of the biggest pull that Post Human Era has on its listeners is the fact that they incorporate plenty of elements into their tracks. There are tracks showing hints of Nine Inch Nails, Kraftwerk and even the Postal Service. Underneath all this layering and synth work, there are nice vocals and sweet melodies that remind you of Ben Gibbard at his best. Daniel Finfer usually does the job himself inside the studio, but on the road, he jams along with brother, Michael, on samples, Steve Kurschner on drums as well as Josh Stark on guitars.

Curious – The Intimate Stranger

German alternative goth band promises a good haunting. For many people, The Cure was the "be all and end all" of the Gothic rock scene. Curious, however, aims to make their own mark in the genre. Almost by foresight, Curious initially traversed their musical dreams by becoming a cover band of The Cure. Although they subsequently created their own music, it doesn't take a genius to see where their influence came from. The Intimate Stranger includes 10 tracks that powerfully channels The Cure during their Disintegration days.

The Rest – Atlantis, Oh Our Saviour

Dreamy Canadian youngsters that strike a chord in the world of indie rock. To say that indie rock has never sounded so good, is an understatement with The Rest. Atlantis, Oh Our Saviour is a great compilation of 11 fresh tracks that resonate with twangy guitars, intermittent piano, sometimes painful screaming and sometimes sweet vocals. The Rest certainly showcases one of the best albums in the indie world. Their follow up album Everyone All at Once is out now. But if you want to get to know the band a bit better, start with this album first.

The Extended Play by Farmertan – a garage rock band bent in making their music heard

Maybe it's just me but it's hard to get over this band once you start listening to their songs. Farmertan is an indie rock band that composes tracks that makes itself so easily likable. If there's a special place for indie rock in your heart, it's hard not to find a place for this band somewhere in your heart. Farmertan hails from Connecticut and has been active in the band scene, touring and playing live since the 1990s. The Extended Play is one of the several EPs they've released since their inception.

No Face by Redmind – metal mayhem from France

Unique French rock metal filled with thrashy guitars and loud vocals. Despite the lack of information on this band online, there is an abundance of rock and roll in Redmind. No Face is filled with 6 tracks that embody what this band is about. Their music is a mixture of rock neometal with speedy guitar licks, growling vocals and heavy drums to match. Redmind's No Face might sound typical and the band might not break any boundaries with their music, but they do manage to pull through and create a solid sounding demo.