
This Is My Normal State: Angel Falls ++

Rock, ambient band that seeks to impress through a dreamy bassline and hauntingly sweet vocals. Hailing from Bristol, South West England, This Is My Normal State released their first recorded EP, Angel Falls ++ in 2009. This three song EP is filled with ambient rock sounds that comes with sweet, almost angelic, if you will, vocals from Yuka Kurihara. This album is the remastered version of their Angel Falls EP which the band recorded back in 2008. It is a quiet and slightly haunting trip down melodic soundscapes, much like walking into a colorful, beautiful but lifeless painting.

Can’t Stop The Daggers: ep one

Alternative indie rock band that brings to mind Radiohead only less weirder and poppier. Can't Stop the Daggers is a four piece group from Phoenix, Arizona. Their demo, EP one, contains four hypnotic indie alternative tracks filled with swelling synths and melodramatic drums. Capitalizing on their catchy and soothing sound, the group instantly captures their listeners attention. Can't Stop the Daggers is composed of guitarist Chris Chattom, Jon Partelow on vocals, Emily Schalick on bass and Lionel Luchessi on drums and percussion. Ep one is definitely a breakthrough Ep that contains great tracks suited for a quiet "me" time.

Autonomadic: Lies, Fear, and Hate

Punk rock that takes you back to the Sex Pistols heydays. Lies, Fear and Hate by Autonomadic exhibits first class punk rock. The album is almost comparable to the great Never Mind the Bollocks if only they came out back in the 70s. Today, most people who listen to this album will just cry out and say it's first class imitation. Coincidental or intentional imitation, these guys do a pretty good job. Lies, Fear and Hate is filled with 20 scathing, energy driven punk rock, with a hint of underground grunge that will blow you away. This trio of Justin, Todd and Baker capture a sense of raw and punk energy that's hard to spot in bands today.

Fresh Body Shop: Director’s Cut

French alternative acoustic indie rockers are at it again for the eighth time! Director's Cut from Fresh Body Shop is their eighth release since they first started. Although information for the band is relatively scarce, their music simply speaks for itself. Most of their albums have heralded positive reviews from listeners and critics. Thanks to the bands fresh take on alternative acoustic rock, their tracks are not tough to love. Their album The Ugly Army garnered praises for its electronic, industrial rock sound. On the other hand, prior to this, the band released Draw the Circle which also received rave reviews. With Director's Cut, it's won't be long until praises for the album pour in.

Depressive Art: Bye Bye Dear Everything

Depressive Art makes music that's anything but depressive. Their name can be misleading since Depressive Art seems to have a knack for playing upbeat retro indie rock n'roll. This 6 piece band from Gothenburg can crank up the volume and liven up the atmosphere of any party you intent to throw. Bye Bye Dear Everything is the group's first album and comes with 10 powerful, danceable, rockin' tracks.

Strange Birds: Strange Birds EP

Acoustic alternative indie folk that takes you far, far away into the California coast. Strange Birds is Aidin Sadeghi and Bret Leinen. Together, they create a soft acoustic and alternative sound that echoes the "wonders of the California coast." Think The Shins coupled with Chris Martin style vocals. This self-titled EP is composed of 7 lovely tracks that, in fact, do reflect a soft California flair. For the band, the main goal was to "create music as true and familiar as the places we have passed through and the experiences we have shared over the past year."

PAZ: Young Broke and Fameless

Young Broke & Fameless is the critically acclaimed debut mixtape from PAZ. His ultra-catchy mashup of clever rhymes with rock riffs and hip-hop beats has quickly caught the attention of both fans and established musicians like The Black Eyed Peas and Tim McGraw.

Interlude: 10000 ans de vengeance

Hardcore emo rock that starts and ends with lots of Spanish shouting. Although its often a bit challenging to absolutely love a song sung in a language you don't know, there are special tracks and albums that transcend beyond the language barrier. Interlude's 1000 ans de vengeance is certainly one that you can mark down on that list.

London to Tokyo: London to Tokyo EP

Britpop rock music...tagged as an "optimistic Oasis" if you will. London to Tokyo was initially a collaboration between two diversely inspired musicians, pop melodic lover Simon Steadman and Sacramento-based band, Tenfold, drummer Justin Butler. Deciding that their sound simply is not worthy of just having a duo running it, they decided to instill the help of bassist Curtis Roach and lead guitarist Nicholas J Tyler. Together they gave birth to London to Tokyo and have released a self titled EP.