TripCase is a free travel app from Sabre that will help arrange various aspects of your trip. With TripCase you can manage all the essential details including dinner reservations, flights, meetings and other arrangements. In fact its features are comparable to other pricey travel apps, but this is free.

Entering all travel data in TripCase is easy thanks to the clear interface. You can quickly view every item in your itinerary, get the time and more. Using the app is also quite easy since you just need to submit your trip confirmation details to the email address that TripCase provides. You also have the option of adding the details manually on your device.


TripCase is aware travelers get their documents and stuff from different sources, so this app allows you to gather and integrate information from these sources in just one itinerary. Rather than deal with multiple itineraries for travel agencies and websites you just have one you can refer to.

Users can delete and edit the data on TripCase, and there is a built in flight alert that is based on the flight data you entered. In addition to this you can use the app to find out the duration of layovers, very useful for frequent flyers. Finally, TripCase allows you to add notes, reminders and even share the detail with friends. Taking everything into consideration, TripCase is a very good travel app, able to get things done quickly and efficiently. Whether it is checking the weather where you’re headed or alternate flights, it’s all here.

Related Links:
TripCase on iTunes
TripCase on Google Play
Official Website