A story of courage and bravery, GOM streches our imagination with a kick of comical humor.
The film was created by the talented team of Anthony Delliste, Tristan Evin, Maxime Guillemin, Florent Razafimandimby, and Alexis Vallauri forĀ ESMA. With a 7-minute runtime, it tells the story of Gom, a young boy who works in Acme Circus. Despite his fear of turning soft after hearing a loud noise, he tries his best to overcome this weakness.
Perhaps the most brilliant feature of this film is its attention to detail and characters’ movement. The ingenious design and execution made this film catchy and an easy watch for those seeking a light-hearted film.
Gom, as the main character, exudes a child-like charm and innocence that appeals to everyone. His bravery and innocence succeeds in reshaping main characters in animation.
Even in its tiniest pixel, GOM brims with imagination, zippy storytelling, and heartfelt laughs. So indulge yourself with this little treat, and let this short remind you what soulful animation is all about.
Related Links:
GOM on Vimeo
GOM on Les Courts Metrages
GOM on Hungeree