Nitronic Rush sets a new standard when it comes to survival car racing games. In the game, your vehicle is configured as an anti-virus program. You race through nine stunning tracks, cleaning up unstable Nitronic City. This means you have to drive through obstacles, jumping side boots, do barrel rolls and other maneuvers. On certain occasions your car gets wings to fly around.

The graphics are inspired by the 1082 movie Tron, but the developers have added their own touch. In terms of quality, the graphics are comparable to other pricey racing games. Players can upload “Ghosts” and compare time and scores against each other. The techno soundtrack blends in perfectly with the frenetic pace.

There are two modes in the game, Story and Arcade. In Arcade Mode, you just race to get the highest score. This mode can be played after Story Mode. Arcade mode is simpler and you can play through all the levels. If you find Nitronic Rush a bit too easy, there are Hardcore and Challenge modes. The goals and tracks here are more difficult.

The game is not just for race lovers, but anyone who loves fast play. The soundtrack is inspired by Daft Punk and serves the game well. Those new to the game may have a bit of trouble trying the controls. But eventually you will get the hang of it.

Also, Nitronic Rush is more than just racing; it’s a battle for survival as you zip past through buzz blades and leap across chasms. The fact that you can modify the center of gravity adds another dimension to the game. You can drive vertically or horizontally.

Related Links:
Nitronic Rush Official Website
Nitronic Rush on Facebook