If you follow the latest iOS games quite faithfully, then you must have stumbled across Forget-Me-Not. This exciting game has been winning praises and scoring countless of minions ever since its initial release. Unfortunately, the game came with a price -$1.99 a pop at the iTunes App store – and was only offered for iOS devices, well, that is until recently.
Yep, the game is now available for download for Windows and Mac users. Plus, it’s all for free! With additional features incorporated, this retro arcade Pacman-type game is destined to become an even bigger hit thanks to these new formats.
Created by Nyarlu Labs, the game surprises with a simple but addictive gameplay as well as some really fun graphics. The goal is to eat off all the “flowers” or pellets inside the maze. Once you manage to eat everything, a gold key appears and you can use it to unlock the exit door to the next level.
Of course, it’s not always easy to collect all the flowers thanks to the many monsters parading across the maze. They will try to shoot and hurt you when you come in contact with them. There are different types of enemies lurking within the game and some of them react differently when you fire at them. There are ones that’ll split into two, others will hurl fireballs relentlessly and some will explode off the bat. The good news is that you can fight back with your own weapon and kill them off but you still need to watch out for the projectiles since it can still hurt you.
Although the PC and Mac versions are quite similar to the iOS version, it’s decidedly more challenging according to the developer. The new game is meant to be more “arcadey” too and filled with new types of enemies, more fruits as well as HD support.
Forget-Me-Not is an excellent game to try out. Filled with nice graphics, engaging gameplay that tests out the gamer’s skill as they progress and simple controls; you’ll have a fun time throughout. Grab the download.
Related Links:
Nyarlu Labs Official Blog
Forget-Me-Not on 148 Apps
Forget-Me-Not on Touch Arcade
Forget-Me-Not on Indie Games