If the name didn’t capture your attention first, then maybe their music will make a better impression. Lenin/McCarthy and their latest record, titled ART; combine amusing song titles with equally amazing sounds.
Listening to the band is like a form of release. There’s the hardcore guitar licks, the loud drumming, the slightly low key, yet growly vocals and the overall catchiness of the tracks. It’s like partying and rocking out with your favorite band while they play one feet away from you in a cramped room.
These OZ natives are sure to give you enough of a good time that you’ll be wondering when again will you be stuck in a tight, crowded room with a rock band.
From the onset, you’d think this was a full-on five piece crew. With the immense sound coming from the record, it’s hard to believe that there are only three people manning the helm. Listening to the record, you’ll hear nothing but straight up hard punk rock with rolling drums, angry guitar licks and energetic vocals.
ART opens loud and fast with Lost featuring Lazlo Hollyfield. The track is equivalent to having someone giving you a sucker punch in the gut. It’s abrupt and catches you when you least expect it. There’s also quite a lot of energy and emotion bouncing around this record. Pretty much, like a sucker punch, it comes out of nowhere and disappears, simply leaving you with a ringing ear and good vibes throughout.
The rest of the tracks are equally loud and are a rock’n’roll affair from start to finish. The entire record runs for about 20 minutes only (since almost all of the 10 cuts are under two minutes); perfect for people with low attention spans, a great love for hard punk rock and looking for a whole lot of great time.
Related Links:
Lenin/McCarthy on Quote Unquote Records
Lenin/McCarthy on Punk News
Lenin/McCarthy on Sputnik Music
Lenin/McCarthy on Lansing Music
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