From the get-go, it’s obvious what The Unarchiver does. It can easily unzip or unpack any files that you want. Even though the program might have an unimaginative name, it gets the job done without much trouble and complaint.
The program was developed by Dag Agren and available for free download on the Mac App Store. It works great on Mac but it’s also possible to run it on Windows or Linux. You just have to follow a few things before you can get it up and running.
It’s a nifty little tool that’s easy to navigate and understand. Best of all, you can easily open any file you have since it supports a great selection of formats.
With this tool, it’s easy to open any type of file format. Some of the basic formats it can accommodate are the following: RAR, 7-zip, Zip, Tar, Gzip and Bzip2. Older formats like DiskDoubler, ARC and ARJ can also be accommodated by this little program. Apart from the usual file formats, it goes out of its way to even open certain ISO or even Windows .EXE installers. It definitely provides users enough of a leeway when it comes to the files they want opened.
Another cool feature is that it can even open files that are encoded in another language without corrupting the data. Oftentimes, similar programs will garble up the content when opening. With The Unarchiver, you won’t have to worry so much about this happening.
When you open a file, you can easily control which folders you want the files to be stored. It also has a good preference section that you can tinker with so it can be made suitable for your needs. Definitely a simple but very helpful program you need to have.
Related Links:
The Unarchiver on iTunes
The Unarchiver Official Website
The Unarchiver on MacUpdate
The Unarchiver on Mac World