The Teleflorists are as shoegazer rock n’ rollers as they come. Released a couple of years back, this 2008 EP contains 5 tracks that are decidedly alternative post indie noise nowave. Although the quality of the live recording can easily be dismissed as unimpressive, this recording does contain several tracks to love or at least like.
Full is an album that any noise shoegaze punk rocker will enjoy playing loud and proud.
From the group’s Myspace, the group admits: “We play stuff we find interesting; we play it loud, and the soundman doesn’t like it. We write our own parts and Nik keeps the lyrical input at a relative low to make way for the turmoil. Oh, and we’re all about live performance rather than perfect recordings.”
Full, opens with noisy rock number, Our Trismos. This track is what I consider to be one of the best in this compilation. With its weird swirling guitars, loud drumming and repetitive lyrics; it’s like an airplane failing to land properly. Just circling round and round on towards its final crash descent. Pharmakon Wells is also another cut that’s filled with interesting vocal work and intermittent guitars.
I must admit, not all the tracks are as impressive as I want them to be. Serial is probably one cut I skip out all the time whenever I’m listening to this album, nevertheless, the rest do deserve a playback.
Related Links:
Teleflorists on Jamendo
Teleflorists on Myspace
Teleflorists on Last FM
Teleflorists on Mes and Noise
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