For those waiting to hear from superstar independent rapper, Kellee Maize, the long wait is over. Integration is finally here! This explosive new album from the artist features her trademark strong rap vocals, inspiring lyrics and top notch composition, free only on FrostClick through FrostWire!
This time around, Kellee delves deeper into her spiritual side. Hints of it were seen in her previous record, Aligned Archetype (which garnered more than 135 thousand downloads here in Frostclick alone) but now she fully embraces it in this record. In her own words, the album is “my efforts to integrate and unify the dualistic sides of myself and the world.”
Much of the inspiration from the album hails from Kellee’s experiences with Landmark Education, her “time spent with a Mayan messenger named Ac Tah,” soaking up various books and documentaries, and overall just interacting with inspiring men and women in Pittsburgh.
Although the album is more personal and infused with the artists spiritual perspective, it doesn’t alienate listeners at all. Kellee manages to not only put her best foot forward but blinds and impresses as she does. Tracks like, Don’t Stop and Divine, come equipped with meaningful lyrics that she masterfully weaves with impressive beats and samples. Meanwhile, Mad Humans, is a colorful cut that commands the audience to listen at once. It’s this capability to mesmerize her listeners that makes her a unique and interesting artist.
With a little over a decade on the music business along with 3 full albums and a handful of singles, Kellee has established herself as among the top indie female rappers out there. Some might even argue that she’s better than most label-backed rap artist. Just one listen to her album and you’ll understand how valid an argument this is.
Whether you are into the lyrical and spiritual expression of the songs or not, there’s no denying the fact that Integration is impressive. Besides, you gotta love someone who has so much dedication and love for her craft that she’s offering such a great album absolutely free and under a Creative Commons License.
What about Track #8?
You might have noticed that track Nr. 8 is missing from the lineup in this download… If you love the album, you can get the missing track by clicking on the button below and twitting about Kellee’s new album!
Related Links:
Kellee Maize Official Website
Kellee Maize on Nakturnal
Kellee Maize on Facebook
Kellee Maize on Twitter
Kellee Maize on YouTube
Kellee Maize on Frostclick
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